To use Armorsmith Extended, which allows you to add modifications and armor weaving. The goggles cost >200caps, weight 0.15 and use the model from Piper's Road Goggles. The only signs that aren't glowing and don't require the goggles, are inside the RailRoad HQ. While you wear them, you will be able to see the glowing signs. The Railroad Armor outfit may not provide as much protection as armored army fatigues paired with a full set of combat armor, or similar sets of modifiable armor/clothing. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Extract the archive to your Data folder. Make sure that the following line is present: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\ Edit your fallout4.ini located in "userprofile"\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4. Personal use, but here it is if anyone wants to use it! Is my first time modding anything and was originally intended for my own I wanted something more tactical but subtle so I tried my hand at modding the textures for the Railroad Armor and Assault Gas Mask.

Included is a Multicam Black Assault Gas Mask. This is a simple retexture of the Railroad Armor featuring the Crye Precision Multicam Black camouflage pattern. Get the mod here.UPDATE: This mod has been consolidated into Wasteland Operator and further updates will be released here.

Gun straps, buttons on coats, belts, boots, all get a retouch to make them look like you just shot the brahmin to make it. This mod not only retouches a lot of the armor and clothing in the game, but also does the entire retexturing.